中国 · 山东 · 济南


作者:     发布时间:2018-07-19

International Student Handbook

University of Jinan


September, 2023


Table of Content

I. Contact Information

II. Main Traffic Lines

III. Paying and Refunding Tuition Fees

IV. Paying and Refunding Accommodation Fees

V. Insurance and Medical Care

VI. Attendance & Excused Absence

VII. Rules and Regulations of the International Student’s Accommodation

VIII. Visa and Residence Policy

IX. Others


一、 常用电话及信箱

二、 主要交通路线

三、 学费缴纳

四、 住宿费缴纳

五、 保险

六、 考勤制度

七、 国际学生公寓管理规定

八、 签证及居留事宜

九、 其他

I. Contact Information

1. School of International Education & ExchangeInternational Students Office



Contact Person



Party Secretary’s Office/Director’s Office

Party Secretary/Director

Ms. Sun Yanmei

School of International Education and Exchange Office 204


Associate Dean’s Office

Associate Dean

Ms. Liu Hongmei

School of International Education and Exchange Office 203


Associate Dean’s Office

Associate Dean

Ms. Wang Xia

School of International Education and Exchange Office 202


General Affairs Section

Daily administrative work, Official seal management , Visitor reception, and Routine expense reimbursement, etc

Mr. Wang Zhengtao

Mr. Zhu Yinhai

School of International Education and Exchange Office 201


Admission Section

Scholarships programs, Admission consultation, Admission materials management

Ms. Liu Hongchan

Ms. Wang Xuyu

School of International Education and Exchange Office 103


Administration Section

Daily management(insurance, safety management, cultural and sports activities), Fees, Scholarship evaluation, Accommodation, etc

Ms. Tong Jie

Mr. Guo Mengze

School of International Education and Exchange Office 105


Teaching Affairs Section

Academic affairs (enrollment registration, management),Course scheduling, Student files management

Ms. Pei Zhen

Ms. Guo Yinuo

School of International Education and Exchange Office 102


Service Section

Dorm maintenance, Residence permit

Ms. Wang Wenfeng

School of International Education and Exchange Office 101


HSK center


Ms.Li Rui

School of International Education and Exchange Office 104


2. Post Address

School of International Education and Exchange, University of Jinan

Add: No. 106 Jiwei Road, Jinan, Shandong, China

Post code: 250022

3. Email:

4. Emergency Call

Police 110 Fire 119 Ambulance 120 Campus Police: 7110

























































2. 邮寄地址


地址: 山东省 济南市 市中区 南辛庄西路336号

邮编: 250022

3 电子邮箱:

4. 常用紧急电话(非紧急时刻请勿拨打):

报警 110

消防 119

医疗急救 112

校内报警 7110

II. Main Traffic Lines

1. West Campus:

K102 ----- Bank of China, Bank of Beijing, Baotu Spring,

K92 ----- Main Bus Station for long-distance travel, Da Guan Yuan

K21--------Railway Station,

K29 ----- Harmony Plaza, Railway Station, Shandong Provincial Hospital

T201 ----- Railway Station, Shandong University (Only accessed during 06:30-08:30, 16:30-18:30 of working day)

K155----East Campus

2. East Campus:

K43 -----Railway Station, Da Guan Yuan

K39 -----Quancheng Square, Quangcheng Park

K48 ----- Shandong Normal University

K66----- Daming Lake

K110-----Shandong University

K66(Tour Bus) ---- Quancheng Park, Qianfo Mountain, Baotu Spring, Quancheng Square, Daming Lake, Zoo


1. 济大西校

K102 -----中国银行,北京银行,趵突泉

K92 -----长途汽车站,大观园

K21 ----- 火车站

K29 -----和谐广场,火车站,省立医院

T201 -----火车站,山东大学洪家楼校区(周一至周五 早06:30-08:30 晚16:30至18:30)


2. 济大东校

K43 -----火车站,大观园


K48 -----山东师范大学




III. Paying and Refunding Tuition Fees

1. Students should pay the full tuition fees on time (The deadline for payment of tuition fees is the last day of the registration date specified by the University) which can be paid on a semester basis.

2. The international students who cannot pay tuition fees on time due to special circumstances must submit a written application for deferment. The new deadline of payment of tuition fees should not exceed one month after the registration date.

3. The international students who have not applied for deferment of the tuition fees or the payment over the time of deferment period will be considered as quit school, their residence permit will be cancelled accordingly.

4. If an international student enrolled in degree programs are permitted to graduate in advance, the tuition fees should be paid as original years of study.

5. The international students, whose applications for suspension of study are permitted, their tuition fees are not refundable but can be continued to use after resumption of study. The international students who are approved to drop out or cancellation of study, their fees can be applied to refund according to the completion time of procedures for leaving the university, details are as follows:

◆Students who formally register and pay fees may apply for withdrawal or deregistration within 14 days, and 100% of the tuition will be refunded.

◆ Students who formally register and pay fees may apply for withdrawal or deregistration within15-30 days, and 50% of the tuition will be refunded.

◆Students who formally register and pay fees may apply for withdrawal or deregistration over 30 days, and no tuition will be refunded.


1. 国际学生应该在学校规定的时间内足额缴纳学费,学费可以按学期交纳。

2. 因特殊情况不能按时缴纳学费,必须向学院办公室提出书面申请,经批准后可以缓交,缓交期一般不超过注册日后的一个月。

3. 未提出缓交申请或虽提出申请但超过缓交期,或者如无特殊原因开学后两个月未缴学费者,其居留许可将被注销。

4. 攻读学位的国际学生经批准提前毕业的,须按规定的学制年限交纳学费。

5. 国际学生学习期间经批准休学的,休学期间的学费不退,复学后可以延续使用。被批准退学或注销学籍的学生,根据其离校手续完成的时间可申请退学费。标准如下:

◆ 学生正式注册并缴费后14日以内提出退学或注销学籍申请的,学费100%退还

◆ 学生正式注册并缴费后15-30日内提出退学或注销学籍申请的,学费退还50%

◆ 学生正式注册并缴费后30日以上提出退学或注销学籍申请的,学费不予退还

IV. Paying and Refunding Accommodation Fees

1. The international students should pay an accommodation fee of not less than one semester in advance during registration period.

2. The international students who have not paid the accommodation fees will not be helped with residence permit application.


1. 国际学生应在规定时间内内预先缴纳不少于一学期的住宿费。

2. 国际学生报到后需先缴纳相关费用,无特殊情况未缴纳者不予办理居留许可手续。

V.Insurance and Medical Care

1. The university has established a comprehensive insurance system for all international students. It is mandatory for international students to adhere to national regulations and the school’s insurance requirements. Failure to purchase insurance within the stipulated period will result in non-admission for prospective students. For those already enrolled, non-compliance may lead to dismissal or registration denial.

2. The insurance fee is as following: 400RMB/semester, 800RMB/year, the specific insurance coverage and compensation details are subject to the information provided by the insurance company.

五、 保险

1. 学校实行国际学生全员保险制度。国际学生按照国家有关规定和学校要求投保。对未按照规定购买保险的,应限期投保,逾期不投保的,学校不予录取;对于已在学校学习的,应予退学或不予注册。

2. 保险费用每生400元/学期,800元/学年,具体保险赔付项目以保险公司提供的为准。

VI. Attendance & Excused Absence

1. International students must participate in the study according to the University calendar of the University or your department,there will be no holiday arrangement for other countries’ festival.

2. International students should attend all classes; all lecturers will check on attendance strictly. When they are in class,students should follow classroom rules,be neatly dressed, not to be late and not to leave early. Besides, smoking, eating and phone calling are not allowed.

3. International students should not miss any educating activities, unless they have asked for leave in advance (emergency situations are not included), and medical certificate needs to be provided. Those who are absent without leave or without approved leave are considered truant.

4. For international students requesting leave within 3 days, a written application must be submitted by the student and approved by the counselor. For leaves exceeding 3 days but within 1 week, a leave application should be completed and approved by the deputy dean in charge of student affairs in the college. Leaves exceeding 1 week require approval from the college dean and must be filed with the School of International Education and Exchange (International Student Affairs Office) for record. All approval documents are kept on file by the college.

5. Graduate students must complete leave procedures in advance and are not allowed to retroactively apply for leave. For leaves within 3 days, approval from the advisor is required, and it must be filed with the training unit. Leaves exceeding 3 days but within 2 weeks require the advisor’s signature before approval from the training unit. For leaves exceeding 2 weeks, approval from the advisor and the graduate training unit is necessary before filing with the School of International Education and Exchange (International Student Affairs Office) for record.

6. Graduate students are not allowed to accumulate sick leave or personal leave exceeding 1 month per semester. If the leave exceeds 1 month, suspension procedures must be carried out.

7. Students must obtain approval from the supervising teacher for absence due to internships; for leave during the graduation design (thesis) phase, approval from the advisor is required, and the case should be recorded with the Student Affairs Office of the college.

8. International students, upon expiration of their leave, should report back to the approving authority; if unable to return to campus as scheduled, they must follow the above regulations for extending leave, accompanied by relevant documentation.

9. If a student accumulates leave or absenteeism exceeding one-third of the total class time for a course in one semester, their eligibility for the final exam in that course will be revoked, resulting in a score of zero. The quantification of absenteeism is as follows:

1) Personal leave days × 50% = Absenteeism

2) Sick leave days × 30% = Absenteeism

10. Students who fail to request leave during a semester or whose leave requests are not approved, resulting in absences, will be treated as absent without leave. The number of absences will be calculated based on the actual number of missed classes.

11. Unexcused late arrivals or early departures of 10 minutes or more for each class will be recorded as one hour of absenteeism.

12. Students with severe absences or serious violations of school rules may be advised to leave or expelled. The school will report to the Exit and Entry Administration of Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau, setting a deadline for their return to the country.

六、 考勤制度(参照学籍管理规定)

1. 国际学生必须按照我校的校历规定参加学习,假期参照我国的节假日及学校的寒暑假。其他国家的节假日,学校不放假。

2. 国际学生应按照教学计划规定的课程和上课时间上课,由任课老师负责考勤。上课时应自觉遵守课堂纪律、衣着整齐、不迟到、不早退、不吸烟、不吃食物、不随意接听电话。

3. 国际学生因故不能参加学校规定的教学活动,应事先办理请假批准手续(急病或紧急事故除外),病假须有医院证明。未经请假或请假未经批准而缺席者,即为旷课。

4. 国际学生请假 3 天以内,由本人提出书面申请,报辅导员批准;3 天以上1 周以内,填写请假条, 由学院分管学生工作的副院长批准;1周以上由学院院长批准,报送国际教育交流学院(国际学生管理办公室)备案。 以上审批手续材料均由学院存查。

5. 研究生需提前办理请假手续,不得事后补假。请假3天以内,由导师批准报培养单位备案;请假3天以上,2周以内由导师签字后报培养单位批准;2周以上由导师签字、研究生培养单位批准后报研究生院和国际教育交流学院(国际学生管理办公室)备案

6. 研究生每学期病假、事假累计不得超过1个月,超过1个月都应办理休学手续。

7. 学生外出实习因故缺席必须请假,由带队教师批准;学生在毕业设计(论文)环节请假的,有指导教师批准,并报学院学生工作办公室备案。

8. 国际学生请假期满,应向批准人销假,如期满仍不能回校学习,应按照上述规定办理续假手续并附有关证明。

9. 一学期内一门课程请假或旷课时间累计超过三分之一以上,取消该课程的期末考试资格,成绩为零分。旷课量化标准如下:

1) 事假数×50%=旷课数

2) 病假数×30%=旷课数

10. 在学期间不请假或请假未获批准而缺课者,以旷课处理,旷课数以实际未上课数计算。

11. 每节课无故迟到或早退10分钟及以上者,按旷课一学时记录。

12. 缺课严重者及严重违反校纪校规者劝退直至除名,学校将通报济南市出入境管理局,限期回国。

VII. Rules and Regulations of the International Student’s Accommodation

1. All international students must obey the policy of the work and rest system of University of Jinan. The time of the apartment is 6:00 am- 11:00 pm, and students must be back to the accommodation before 11pm. Staying out all night is strictly prohibited.

2. Guest Reception:

(1) Guest reception is allowed from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm daily.

(2) Guests must possess valid ID and must register at the reception desk. The ID must be left at the reception desk and guests may be permitted to visit the concerned resident.

3. Students must live in their assigned rooms. Without the permission of the Office of International Student’s Dormitory, students must not exchange rooms, occupy other rooms or rent out rooms. If anyone violates these rules, he / she will be dealt in accordance with the severity of the case.

4. Hostel timing is from 6:00am to 11:00pm. The hostel must be kept quiet; there must be no outcries or quarreling and no loud music in order to avoid disturbing the rest or studies of others.

5. Pay attention to cleanliness of the rooms, maintain sanitary conditions, and respect public property. Exchange of property, disassembly, breakage of the furniture and bedding is prohibited. No carving and affixing of nails is permitted in the hostel. Compensation must be made for any damages to public property.

6. Littering in the corridors is strictly prohibited.

7. Major appliances, such as electric stoves cannot be used in the rooms in order to avoid fire.

8. No personal locks can be attached to the room doors.

9. Pets are prohibited in the hostel premises.

10. No sports activities will be permitted inside the International Student’s Dormitory.

11. Pay attention to the conservation of water and power. When residents go out, they should lock the doors and windows, turn off the water taps and switch off the electrical appliances in order to avoid accidents.

12. Attention to fire safety: Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the dormitory building.

七、 国际学生公寓管理规定

1. 遵守学校作息制度,国际学生公寓作息时间为早6:00——晚23:00。外出者必须在23:00前返回宿舍,严禁夜不归宿。

2. 会客:



3. 学生需按分配的房间住宿,未经公寓管理办公室准许,不得私自调换房间或强占房间,也不得将房间转租他人,违者视情节轻重给予相应处理。

4. 保持宿舍楼安静,不得高声喧哗、吵闹,不得高声播放音乐,以免影响他人学习和休息。

5. 注意宿舍整洁,保持公共卫生。爱护公物,禁止私自调换、拆卸、损坏宿舍内桌椅书架、卧具等一切用品。房间和楼道内不得随意刻画、钉钉。损坏公物要赔偿。

6. 禁止在楼道内乱放物品。

7. 禁止在楼道、房间内使用电炉等大功率电器,以免发生火灾。

8. 禁止私自在房间门上装锁。

9. 禁止宿舍内饲养家禽及宠物。

10. 禁止在国际学生公寓内进行任何体育活动。

11. 注意节约用水、安全用电。外出时必须关好门窗,关闭电源开关和水龙头,以防意外。

12. 注意消防安全,宿舍楼内严禁吸烟。

VIII. Visa and Residence Policy

1. International students holding an X1 visa must go to the Exit and Entry Administration of Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau to apply for a residence permit for foreigners within 30 days from the date of entry. The period of validity of the aforementioned residence permit is the duration of the holders permitted stay in China.

2. International students who need to prolong their residence in China beyond the expiration of their residence permits shall apply for an extension before the expiration of their permits from the Exit and Entry Administration of Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau.

3. In case of any changes in the information written in an aliens Residence permit, the holder of the permit shall, within 10 days, register such changes at the Exit and Entry Administration of Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau.

4. International students who reside or stay in China shall carry with their passports for possible inspection by police in charge of foreign affairs.

5. International students who wish to lodge at guesthouses, schools or other Chinese organizations(Foreign institutions in China), shall present their valid passports or residence permits and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation. If a foreigner wishes to lodge at the home of a Chinese resident(or the home of a foreigner in China)in urban areas, the host or the lodger shall, within 24 hours of the lodgers arrival, report to the local public security organ with the lodgers passport and permit as well as the hosts residence booklet (passport), and fill in registration forms. Foreigners holding long-term residence permits in Jinan who wish to lodge temporarily elsewhere than their own residences shall report and register accommodation in accordance with the Rules.

6. International students residing off-campus must obtain approval from the International Student Affairs Office. Renting accommodation independently is strictly prohibited.

7. International students whose Chinese visa or certificate is lost or damaged shall promptly report to the Exit and Entry Department under the Public Security Bureau and apply for a new one or a replacement.

八、 签证及居留事宜

1. 持标有X1签证的国际学生,必须自入境之日起30日内到济南市公安局出入境管理局办理外国人居留许可。上述居留许可的有效期即为准许持证人在中国居留的期限。

2. 国际学生在居留许可有效期满后需继续在中国居留,须于期满前向济南市公安局出入境管理局再次申请居留许可。

3. 国际学生居留许可上填写的项目内容如有变更,持证人须于10日内到济南市公安局出入境管理局办理变更登记。

4. 在济南居留的外国国际学生必须随身携带护照,以备警察查验。

5. 国际学生在宾馆、学校或者单位机构(外国人在中国的外国机构内)往宿,应当出示有效护照,并填写临时住宿登记表。在中国居民(在中国的外国人)家中住宿,在城镇的,须于抵达后24小时内,由留宿人或者本人持住宿人的护照、证件和留宿人的户口薄(或护照)到当地公安机关申报,填写临时住宿登记表;在农村的,须于72小时内向当地派出所申报。长期在济南居留的外国人离开自己的住所临时在其他地方住宿,应当按规定申报住宿登记。

6. 国际学生外出租房居住,须得到国际学生管理办公室的批准,严禁私自外出租房居住。

7. 外国人所持中国的签证、证件如有遗失或者损坏,应当立即向市公安局出入境管理局报告,申请补领或者换发。

IX. Others

1. The international students should strictly abide by the traffic laws and regulations of China. You should get a driving license before you start driving. The Chinese driving license can be given to those who have already owned a foreign license which is accepted by the Sate Department Police, and has passed the test offered by the Traffic Administration Office. Drivers should only drive the permitted type of vehicles by the driving licenses. When driving, you should abide by the traffic rules and make sure that your driving license is always together with you. No drink-driving.

2. When international students travel to open areas within or outside China during holidays, they must inform the International Student Affairs Office of their destination before leaving the campus. During the trip, it is essential to comply with the relevant regulations of the Public Security Bureau, and all travel procedures and expenses are the responsibility of the students. While abroad, international students should prioritize personal and property safety. The individual is held responsible for any safety incidents that may occur.

3. If international students intend to leave the country and return home during the semester, they should notify the International Student Affairs Office in advance, providing reasons and completing the necessary procedures.

4. International students’ personal religious practices are protected by Chinese law. However, international students are not allowed to engage in proselytizing activities in China; any form of proselytism is considered illegal.

5. The Chinese version of the International Student Handbook shall prevail.

6. The International Student Affairs Office of University of Jinan reserve the right of final interpretation of this Handbook.


1. 国际学生必须严格遵守中国的交通法规。如果要驾驶机动车,应当依法取得机动车驾驶证。持有公安局认可国家驾照的学生通过车管所的相应考试后,可以换领中国驾照。驾驶人应当按照驾驶证载明的准驾车型驾驶机动车;驾驶机动车时,应当随身携带驾驶证。遵守交通法规,服从交通民警指挥,严禁酒后驾车。

2. 国际学生利用节假日到中国境内外开放地区旅行时,离校前应向国际学生管理办公室说明去向。旅行时要遵守公安局的有关规定,一切旅行手续和费用均需自理。国际学生在外期间,应注意人身和财产安全。如发生安全事故由国际学生本人负责。

3. 国际学生学期内离境回国,应提前告知国际学生管理办公室,说明原委,办理相关手续。

4. 国际学生的个人宗教生活受到中国法律保护,但国际学生不得在中国传教,任何形式的传教活动均是非法的。

5. 本国际学生手册以汉语版本为准。

6. 本国际学生手册最终解释权归济南大学国际学生管理办公室所有。

1. New students should take student visa to register and complete the enrollment procedure, long term students (over 6 months) need “X1” visa and short term ( less than 6 months) students may take “X2” visa.

2. New students should register in the specified time in accordance with the Admission Letter. Students should inform the School of International Education and Exchange one week in advance in case of early or late enrollment. Those who fail to register without a valid reason for one month will be considered as automatically giving up your admission eligibility.

3. New students should bring your original passport to the School of International Education and Exchange within 24 hours after entering University of Jinan to complete the check-in process. Additionally, students should bring the certificate issued by University of Jinan to the local police station to handle the temporary residence registration procedure for overseas individuals.

4. The followings are required for new students enrollment registration: passport, the original enrollment notice, (and for “X1” visa students JW202 form, and original physical examination report are also required), 4 chromatic photos (30mm*40mm). The registration address: School of International Education and Exchange.

5. Except for the Admission Letter, JW202 form and medical examination report, students also need to submit the original documents provided during your application process. After a thorough examination and verification, students should complete the “International Student Registration Notice” form. Only after the payment of all fees can students obtain registration eligibility, relevant documents, and proceed to handle residence matters at the specified time.

6. Students holding “X1” visa must apply for a residence permit for foreigners at the Exit-Entry Administration of the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau within 30 days of entry. For the initial residence permit application, students need to present the “Certificate for Overseas Personnel Applying for Entry and Exit Documents” issued by University of Jinan, the original passport, photocopies of the passport’s main page, visa page, and entry stamp page, the “Foreign Visa and Residence Permit Application Form”, JW202 form, and a medical examination report valid for six months within China. (If the medical examination report does not meet the requirements, students must undergo a new examination at Jinan Entry- Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau at their own expense.)

7. International students must purchase insurance according to relevant regulations and requirements. Those who fail to purchase insurance as required should do so within a specified period; failure to do so within the deadline will result in the denial of registration.

8. Upon completing enrollment registration, students are required to pay the specified fees, and all fees must be paid in Chinese Yuan. If unable to pay on time due to special reasons, a written explanation and an application form for delayed fee payment should be submitted.

9. New students’ on-campus accommodation is arranged by University of Jinan. Students must reside in the assigned rooms and adhere to the regulations of the dormitory. Renting external accommodations without proper authorization is strictly prohibited.

10. Registration Address:

School of International Education and Exchange,

University of Jinan(West Campus)

No. 336 Nanxinzhuang West Road, Jinan, Shandong

11. Transportation:

(1) By Airport Shuttle Bus Line 1 to Yuquan Simpson Hotel(玉泉森信大酒店), then take bus route 102 or a taxi to reach University of Jinan (West Campus).

(2) By Airport Shuttle Bus Line 2 to the long-distance bus station, then take bus route K92 or a taxi to reach University of Jinan (West Campus).

Note:Before taking a taxi, please show the driver the detailed address of the university and remember to request a receipt before payment. If you have any questions, please contact the staff from the School of International Education and Exchange at University of Jinan.






5、学生报到时,除交验录取通知书、JW202表和体检表以外,还需提交入学申请时所提供的材料的原件, 经审查无误后,填写《济南大学国际学生报到通知单》等相关表格。学生缴纳所有费用后,才能获得注册资格、取得相关证件,并按规定时间办理居留事宜。




9、新生入学由学校统一安排校内住宿。学生须按指定房间住宿, 遵守公寓的各项规定。严禁私自外出租房居住。


山东省济南市市中区南辛庄西路336号 济南大学(西校区) 国际教育交流学院






